Over 400,000 people trust Restube

Your airbag for a carefree time in the water

- More safety for children and adults
- Inflates in seconds when triggered
- Additonal buoyancy and visibility
- Small, light and reusable

Discover RESTUBE

Über 400.000 Personen vetrauen auf Restube

Dein Airbag fürs Wasser für eine sorgenfreie Zeit

Mehr Sicherheit für Kinder & Erwachsene


Klein, leicht & robust




Für all deine Aktivitäten am Wasse



Best offers of the year - Short time only

Over 400,000 people trust Restube

Your airbag for a carefree time in the water

- More safety for children and adults
- Inflates in seconds when triggered
- Additonal buoyancy and visibility
- Small, light and reusable


A critical situation in the water?
Restube helps immediately and effectively!

Additional buoyancy for you,
your children and 
your partner

A critical situation in the water?Restube helps immediately and  effectively!

Additional buoyancy for you,
your children and
your partner


Fading power

The Restube buoy inflates with a pull on the trigger

Layer_1-2 (2).svg__PID:1268938b-4d03-484c-a827-7bd6f99b11e8

Concern for children

With Restube, they always have additional safety with them


Far from shore

More visibility with the Restube buoy in yellow signal color

Layer_1-2 (1).svg__PID:3fd91268-938b-4d03-884c-68277bd6f99b

Unexpected current

Lean over the Restube buoy and keep your head above water

Buy now and save 25%
5_Kritische Situationen.webp__PID:a27d168f-1f5c-49ae-b5f1-e2bcc8b19485
Layer_1-2 (19).svg__PID:4bc897c5-44f7-4da9-aada-0234048fa2f9

Keine Kraft mehr

Die Restube-Boje bläst
 sich mit einem Zug am Auslöser auf

Layer_1-2 (20).svg__PID:b84bc897-c544-472d-a9aa-da0234048fa2

Sorge um die Kinder

Mit Restube haben sie
 zusätzliche Sicherheit immer dabei

Layer_1-2 (20).svg__PID:b84bc897-c544-472d-a9aa-da0234048fa2

Große Entfernung
 vom Ufer

Mehr Sichtbarkeit mit der Restube-Boje in gelber Signalfarbe

Layer_1-2 (21).svg__PID:d1b84bc8-97c5-44f7-ada9-aada0234048f

Keine Kraft mehr

Über die Restube-Boje
 lehnen und der Kopf bleibt über Wasser



Best offers of the year - Short time only

5_Kritische Situationen.webp__PID:a27d168f-1f5c-49ae-b5f1-e2bcc8b19485
Layer_1-2 (19).svg__PID:4bc897c5-44f7-4da9-aada-0234048fa2f9

Fading power

The Restube buoy inflates with a pull on the trigger

Layer_1-2 (20).svg__PID:b84bc897-c544-472d-a9aa-da0234048fa2

Concern for children

With Restube, they always have additional safety with them

Layer_1-2 (20).svg__PID:b84bc897-c544-472d-a9aa-da0234048fa2

Far from shore

More visibility with the Restube buoy in yellow signal color

Layer_1-2 (21).svg__PID:d1b84bc8-97c5-44f7-ada9-aada0234048f

Unexpected current

Lean over the Restube buoy and keep your head above water


Come funziona Restube

Layer_1-2 (3).svg__PID:9b1ad9f8-da58-445b-bb8e-2d86729aa81e

Attach to hip

Layer_1-2 (4).svg__PID:d9f8da58-a45b-4b8e-ad86-729aa81e46af

Pull the trigger

Layer_1-2 (4).svg__PID:d9f8da58-a45b-4b8e-ad86-729aa81e46af

Buoy inflates in seconds

13_zeit 1.svg__PID:a45bfb8e-2d86-429a-a81e-46af2132a303

Hold on to it and help others

Layer_1-2 (6).svg__PID:fb8e2d86-729a-481e-86af-2132a303d80c

Wave and attract attention

Layer_1-2 (3).svg__PID:9b1ad9f8-da58-445b-bb8e-2d86729aa81e

Attach to hip

Layer_1-2 (4).svg__PID:d9f8da58-a45b-4b8e-ad86-729aa81e46af

Pull the trigger in
case of emergency

Layer_1-2 (5).svg__PID:da58a45b-fb8e-4d86-b29a-a81e46af2132

Buoy inflates
in seconds

13_zeit 1.svg__PID:a45bfb8e-2d86-429a-a81e-46af2132a303

Hold on to it
and help others

Layer_1-2 (6).svg__PID:fb8e2d86-729a-481e-86af-2132a303d80c

Wave and attract attention

15_Action Freisteller 1.svg__PID:9aa81e46-af21-42a3-83d8-0c88341f89c6
Layer_1-2 (7).svg__PID:32a303d8-0c88-441f-89c6-5fb9bc265bb3

Small and robust, 
always at hand

A pull on the trigger opens
the CO2 cartridge, inflating
the buoy in seconds

Layer_1-2 (11).svg__PID:a28139fc-9f6a-4611-a345-ed63e13695f3

Enough buoyancy
for adults and children

Simply lean over the Restube buoy
and the buoyancy lifts your head
above the water

Layer_1-2 (10).svg__PID:bfa9a281-39fc-4f6a-9611-e345ed63e136


Screw in a new original CO2 cartridge and Restube is
immediately ready for use again

Layer_1-2 (8).svg__PID:1b5820c2-bfa9-4281-b9fc-9f6ad611e345

Also inflatable by mouth

Each Restube also has a mouth valve
for mouth inflation and deflation

400.000+ USERS



Lea Weber


"When I’m at the water with my family, we all wear Restube. It’s so small that you don’t even notice. Restube makes us all feel good and the best part is that the kids love it."

Leisure & Family  (1).jpeg__PID:f5313290-d1b9-44c7-aa46-fb52eb93a893

Marc Vogt


"Great idea and easy to use! An absolute plus in safety. I also equipped my children with it, because it is so uncomplicated to use!"


Roland Mueller


"Super functional, easy to use and reusable. My daughter prefers Restube much more than the sailing vest that she usually had to use."

Leisure & Family  (18).webp__PID:8368f531-3290-41b9-94c7-aa46fb52eb93

400.000+ Nutzer

50+ Leben gerettet

11+ Awards

Lea Weber

36, Mutter

Wenn ich mit meiner Familie am Wasser bin, tragen wir alle Restube. Es ist so klein, dass man es nicht bemerkt. Restube gibt uns allen ein gutes Gefühl und das Beste daran ist, dass die Kinder es lieben.”

29_Kinder 1.svg__PID:eb07684a-c42f-4546-b869-ce79bc36a796

Lea Weber

36, Mutter

Wenn ich mit meiner Familie am Wasser bin, tragen wir alle Restube. Es ist so klein, dass man es nicht bemerkt. Restube gibt uns allen ein gutes Gefühl und das Beste daran ist, dass die Kinder es lieben.”

29_Kinder 1.svg__PID:eb07684a-c42f-4546-b869-ce79bc36a796

Lea Weber

36, Mutter

Wenn ich mit meiner Familie am Wasser bin, tragen wir alle Restube. Es ist so klein, dass man es nicht bemerkt. Restube gibt uns allen ein gutes Gefühl und das Beste daran ist, dass die Kinder es lieben.”

29_Kinder 1.svg__PID:eb07684a-c42f-4546-b869-ce79bc36a796

Tested quality

Every Restube is checked for perfect quality by trained employees

Layer_1-2 (13).svg__PID:c1e68a9c-1f3a-4c5e-8275-d4a5a57bb433

PVC free

Only high quality nylon TPU material is used.


High standards

Restube is manufactured in VAUDE factories. These are committed to social responsibility and good working conditions.

Layer_1-2 (14).svg__PID:8a9c1f3a-ec5e-4275-94a5-a57bb433694c

Engineered in Germany

Every detail of the Restube has been developed in collaboration with experts in Germany.

Layer_1-2 (15).svg__PID:3aec5ec2-75d4-45a5-bbb4-33694c6419bd

Allowed on the plane

Restube can easily be taken on holiday by plane (follow instructions)

Layer_1-2 (16).svg__PID:1f3aec5e-c275-44a5-a57b-b433694c6419

Recommended from age 10

Children from the age of 10 can use Restube

For all your activities on the water

28_Baden 1.svg__PID:4c6419bd-c4f1-44c0-b1c7-e51f7ec6caff

Bathing at the beach

29_Kinder 1 (1).svg__PID:7fea7a81-82f2-4b7b-a878-1f8d49fbdb02

For your children
(recommended from age 10)

30_Schnorcheln 1.svg__PID:7a8182f2-2b7b-4878-9f8d-49fbdb025ffe

Swimming and
snorkeling near
the shore

31_SUP 1.svg__PID:82f22b7b-2878-4f8d-89fb-db025ffeaa91

Stand-Up Paddling

400.000 People worldwide trust Restube

Jonas Deichmann Extremsportler & Abenteurer

Jonas Deichmann Extremsportler & Abenteurer

Jonas Deichmann Extremsportler & Abenteurer

Jonas Deichmann Extremsportler & Abenteurer


Best offers of the year - Short time only

Restube beach

For family & leisure

Landingpage_beach_Desktop_Update_Final (1).pdf (7).png__PID:52309183-8d9d-4275-a983-75313374d969
  • Perfect for family & kids, swimming in the summer, snorkeling at the seashore and more
  • The airbag for the water, providing additional safety for adults and children over 10 years of age
  • The buoy blows up with just one pull of the trigger.
  • Can also be blown up manually
Layer_1-2 (13).svg__PID:c1e68a9c-1f3a-4c5e-8275-d4a5a57bb433

PVC free

Layer_1-2 (17).svg__PID:7d96d6a7-d278-4b57-9e92-ae947b0ece7d

Easy to use

Icon Wiederverwendbar


Landingpage_beach_Desktop_Update_Final (1).pdf (8).png__PID:65bfeae4-9004-4997-9155-f5d98ae21426

Restube beach

49,95 €
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Frau liegt am Strand und benutzt aufgeblasene Restube Schwimmboje als Unterarm-Stütze
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach in dunkelblauer Tasche
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Frau liegt am Strand und benutzt aufgeblasene Restube Schwimmboje als Unterarm-Stütze
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach
Restube beach in dunkelblauer Tasche

That's included:

  • Restube beach (black) incl. 1 cartrdige


Restube beach starter package

59,95 €
66,93 €
Du sparst €6,98 EUR
Landingpage_beach_Desktop_Update_Final (1).pdf (4).png__PID:3a7cf02f-b431-439b-9ac1-523091838d9d
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package
Restube beach starter package

That's included:

  • Restube beach (black) incl. 1 cartrdige
  • 2x Spare cartridge
  • 1x Reflector


Restube beach family package

159,95 €
215,80 €
Du sparst 55,85 €
Landingpage_beach_Desktop_Update_Final (1).pdf (1).png__PID:1a08e71e-3a7c-402f-b431-439b1ac15230
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Freisteller von dem gelben 20 Liter Trockensack von RESTUBE
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Freisteller von dem gelben 20 Liter Trockensack von RESTUBE
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package
Restube beach family package

That's included:

  • 3x Restube beach (black) incl. 1 cartridge per Restube
  • 6x Spare cartridge
  • 3x Reflector
  • 20L Drybag (yellow)


rimossi dalle regioni costiere per ordine

Icon 30 Tage Geld zurück Häkchen

30 Days

garanzia di rimborso



su tutti i prodotti ordinati su www.restube.com

Icon Delivery Truck Fast Shipping Schnelle Versendung


su ordini superiori a 100€

Your questions will be answered here!

Get your airbag for the water now

Over 400,000 people trust Restube

Get your airbag for the water now!

- More safety for children and adults
- Inflates in seconds when triggered
- Additonal buoyancy and visibility
- Small, light and reusable

Buy now and save 25%
35_Footer Bild 1.svg__PID:06a1680b-862e-4b7b-bce7-498f42bd5007


Best offers of the year - Short time only

Over 400,000 people trust Restube

Your airbag for a carefree time in the water

- More safety for children and adults
- Inflates in seconds when triggered
- Additonal buoyancy and visibility
- Small, light and reusable

Buy now and save 25%