Our Bestseller
Uso recreacional y familiar
Our bestseller! The Safety Buoy for a variety of water sports activities!
The Safety Buoy for water sports in rough conditions!
Bolsa seca, más visibilidad y flotabilidad
Athletes trust in RESTUBE

Josef Köberl | Ice Swimmer & world record holder

Nathalie Pohl | Extreme swimmer & Ocean's Seven finisher

Kimo Kersting | Water sports enthusiast and professional Stand-Up Paddler
How The Safety Buoy Works

Lleva siempre contigo tu boya de seguridad.

Aprieta el gatillo en caso de emergencia

Ahora tienes tiempo y puedes respirar hondo.

Usa la boya y llama la atención.

Spotlight On
Para toda aventura al aire libre
Bolsa impermeable con correa para el hombro
Bolsa magnética auto sellante para el cuerpo superior con tecnología Gooper®
Unisex Hoodie-Sweatshirt
for attaching a leash, Restube or throw bag
Professional Agencies trust in RESTUBE
More and more water enthusiasts, agencies, life saving organizations all over the world trust in the award winning RESTUBE Safety System.