Official Safety Partner
Restube se enorgullece de ser Safety Partner de este evento.
Tipo de concurso: Open Water Swimming
Cuándo: Sun, Aug 25, 2024
Dónde: 23999 Insel Poel
Distancia: 3.5km
Get ready for the 30th edition of the Wismar Bay Swim on August 25th!
As a participant in this special event, you're invited to take on the challenging 3.5 km distance.
We're proud to announce that RESTUBE is once again Safety Partner. For those swimming the long distance, wearing a Restube is mandatory, ensuring maximum safety.
Seize the opportunity to be part of this exciting swimming experience and show off your skills!
Encuentre más productos para su preparación para Wismarbucht-Schwimmen
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Safety Partnership
¿Es usted organizador de eventos?
Para que su evento sea más seguro, equipe a sus participantes con Restube.