Smart<br> Water Safety

Face unexpected currents and big waves with peace of mind - with your personal RESTUBE Safety Buoy 

Explore now

Athletes trust in RESTUBE

Josef Köberl | Ice Swimmer & world record holder

"I have been using the RESTUBE Safety System for training in long-distance swimming and ice swimming since 2014. The safety buoy gives me confidence and signals to people at the shore and in the boats that I know what I am doing."

Nathalie Pohl | Extreme swimmer & Ocean's Seven finisher

“Despite the escort boat, you swim out there alone. RESTUBE helps me keep my focus while swimming. The super small Safety System has no flow resistance and is weightless in the water. A pull on the trigger inflates the yellow safety buoy in seconds, which gives me an even better feeling.”

Kimo Kersting | Water sports enthusiast and professional Stand-Up Paddler

"It's incredible to be able to do the water sport you love without having to worry about what happens if I paddle too far or fall in. But also to be able to help other people in tricky situations. You too, wear a RESTUBE safety buoy, always!"

How The Safety Buoy Works

Toujours avoir ta bouée de sauvetage avec toi

Appuie sur la gâchette en cas d'urgence

Maintenant, tu as le temps et tu peux respirer profondément

Utilise la bouée et attire l'attention sur toi

The most versatile & award winning

Swim Buoy


Professional Agencies trust in RESTUBE

More and more water enthusiasts, agencies, life saving organizations all over the world trust in the award winning RESTUBE Safety System.

The RESTUBE commitment

Sans PVC

Tous les produits RESTUBE utilisent des matériaux sans PVC.

1kg de plastique

retirés des régions côtières par ordre

Garantie de 2 ans

sur tous les produits commandés sur

30 jours

garantie de remboursement


Protection de l'acheteur sur ta commande.