Exceptional athlete with extreme projects
Facts about Jonas
Nationality: German
Achievements & Results:
Jonas Deichmann is an exceptional athlete and world record holder. Currently he is taking on the Challenge Roth - a project in which he will be completing a long-distance triathlon on 120 consecutive days. We are delighted to be able to provide him with more safety and freedom for his adventures in the water!
Nationality: German
Achievements & Results:
2020-2021: first triathlon around the world - 120 times the ironman distance
2020: longest unsupported swim, Croatia
2019: fastest unsupported cycle crossing Cape to Cape North Cape - Cape Town
"A current can catch anyone, or you suddenly become exhausted. I can then hold on to the Restube buoy. And of course, something can happen to someone else in the water. Then I could help by passing on the buoy. I simply feel safer with Restube by my side!"
Jonas Deichmann
Pour un petit tour autour d'un lac, une préparation pour le prochain triathlon ou pour de longs parcours de nage en mer. La bouée flottante gonflable vous offre une meilleure sécurité grâce à sa visibilité et une aide à la flottabilité à portée de main dès que vous en avez besoin.