Episodio 2 con Anna Tschirky

by Johanna | Restube
published on August 03, 2023
Abbiamo chiesto ad Anna di condividere con noi i suoi cinque consigli tecnici più importanti per lo stand-up paddling. Vi aiuteranno a imparare la tecnica giusta fin dall'inizio e a divertirvi sul SUP fin dalla prima bracciata!

1. La posizione corretta sulla tavola!
Stand hip-width apart on the stand-up paddle board and bend your knees slightly while paddling.

2. Come impugnare correttamente la pagaia!
When paddling, try to stretch your upper arm and form a triangle with your upper hand, your lower hand and the paddle.

3. Lo sguardo determina il percorso!
Always look straight ahead! This makes you more stable on the board and makes it easier for you to keep a straight line. Don’t look down at your board!

4. Attenzione alla sicurezza!
To have fun while paddling, it is important that you feel safe. Therefore, always have Restube with you! In an uncomfortable situation, you can pull the trigger and the buoy will inflate in seconds.
Also: Wear a leash if the water allows it. Attach the leash under your knee and to your board. This way you stay connected to your board. If you fall into the water, you can reach it more easily.

5. Il giusto colpo di pagaia!
Try to put the paddle as far forward as possible. When the paddle blade is in the water, use a lot of pressure to pull the paddle in line with your body.
Grazie per i tuoi consigli, Anna!
To learn more from Anna and get insights on her career as a successful SUP athlete, follow her on Instagram!
Anna Tschirky is a professional stand-up paddler and already a 6-time Swiss champion. She trusts in the Restube PFD for SUP training and competition.

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