AMEO Powerbreather Wave im Paket mit Restube active Schwimmboje

Restube active X Powerbreather wave - Package

Jonas Deichmann and over 400.000 other people are already using Restube.
Regular price 213,95 € Sonderpreis189,00 €
incl. VAT

  • Kostenloser Versand - Bei dir in 2-3 Werktage
  • 30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie
  • Pro Bestellung entfernen wir 1 kg Plastik von Küstenregionen

Dieses Paket stattet dich perfekt für dein nächstes Schwimm-Abenteuer aus. Es besteht aus:

  • 1x Restube active
  • 1x Powerbreather Wave

Restube active

Restube active (75N) bläst sich mit einem Zug am Auslöser auf. Es ist für Wassersportler geeignet, wiederverwendbar, einfach zu packen und bietet hohen Tragekomfort dank vertikaler oder horizontaler Anbringung. Ausführliche Produktinformationen zu Restube active findest du hier.

Powerbreather Wave

Der Powerbreather ist der Schnorchel der nächsten Generation! Mit ihm wirst du Schwimmen und Schnorchel-Tauchen in einer neuen Dimension erleben. Der Powerbreather versorgt dich durch die zwei Luftkanäle immer 100% mit Frischluft - egal wie lange und wie intensiv du schnorchelst. Der Wave ist durch seine Aufsätze besonders für bewegtes Freiwasser geeignet.
Der Powerbreather ist der einzige Schnorchel, mit dem du abtauchen kannst, ohne ihn druckvoll ausblasen zu müssen. Intelligente Ventile schützen vor eindringendem Wasser und lassen mögliches Wasser bei langen und tiefen Tauchgängen über die natürliche Ausatmung automatisch entweichen. So kannst du an der Oberfläche sofort weiteratmen. Dabei versorgt dich das Einbahn-Luftsystem stets mit unverbrauchter, sauerstoffreicher Luft.
Die verlängerten SPEED VENTS mit ihrer innovativen Ventiltechnik gewährleisten auch in stürmischer See, dass kein Wasser eindringt. Die Flip Caps können als „Wave Caps" bei höherem Wellengang als zusätzlicher Schutz vor eindringendem Wasser verwendet werde.
Der Powerbreather passt sich perfekt jeder Kopfform an, er sitzt angenehm und sicher, ohne dich in deiner Bewegung einzuschränken. Dafür sorgen seine patentierte Technologie und sein ausgezeichnetes Design.
Der Powerbreather ist für Kinder ab ca. 7 Jahren, die bereits gut schwimmen können und unter Aufsicht der Eltern, geeignet.

Versendet in zwei Paketen und ausschließlich in der Europäischen Union.

Restube READY: Ja
75N (~7.5kg)
Länge: 65 cm
13 cm
Gewicht: 484 g
Ursprungsland: Germany / China
Lieferumfang: 1x Restube active + 1x AMEO Powerbreather Wave

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Eine Restube active X Powerbreather wave - Package Gebrauchsanweisung findest du hier.

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So funktioniert Restube

man holding Restube showing that you always have it with you and can help others or draw attention to yourself
Key Feature
Komfortabel zu tragen bei aktivem Sport

Sehr hoher Tragekomfort dank wahlweise vertikaler oder horizontaler Anbringung am Gürtel. Beim sportlichen Schwimmen z.B. trägt man Restube vertikal ausgerichtet mittig im Lendenbereich. Der Auslösergriff schaut dabei nach unten, um ihn leicht zu erreichen. Damit die Tasche auch bei sehr langen Schwimmdistanzen an ihrer gewünschten Position bleibt, einfach den beiliegenden Positionierungsstab in den "Active Belt" schieben.

Key Feature
Mit RESTUBE READY Produkten kompatibel

Immer mehr Marken entscheiden sich, die RESTUBE READY Schnittstelle an ihren Produkten zu integrieren. So kannst du Restube z.B. ohne Gürtel direkt an deiner Lieblingsbadehose oder dem Neoprenanzug befestigen. Wie das ganze funktioniert sowie einen Überblick über die Marken findest du hier.

Key Feature
Auslösegriff ist zugleich eine Pfeife

Nutze die Pfeife, um auf dich aufmerksam zu machen.

Restube Funktion

- Klein und robust, immer zur Hand
- Genug Auftrieb für einen Erwachsenen
- Auch mit dem Mundventil aufblasbar
- Bis zu 100 Auslösungen

Loic Branda joggt mit Restube active am Strand durch das Wasser


„Für mich bedeutet Schwimmen im offenen Gewässer grenzenlos zu sein. Restube ermöglicht mir noch mehr Freiheit im Kopf und ich kann auch sehr lange Strecken fokussiert schwimmen.“

Restube active kaufen

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All the information you need

Learn about your Restube

What is a safety buoy?

A safety buoy is an accessory that you can carry with you during activities in the water and that provides more safety. It gives you extra buoyancy and visibility when you need it. There are buoys made of solid material – the famous Baywatch buoy, for example – there are swimming buoys, which are already inflated on land and pulled along in the water, and then there is Restube: the most compact format of a swimming buoy, as it is packed into a small pouch and inflated only when it’s needed with a pull of the trigger and using a screw-in CO2 cartridge. Optimal for use in open water swimming, such as in triathlons. A swimming buoy is an essential accessory for anyone who enjoys spending time on and in the water. It increases your own safety and the safety of others, because it can also be handed to a person in need.

When is it necessary to use a safety buoy?

A swimming buoy is recommended for any activity in and around water, as a swimming buoy greatly increases safety. The additional buoyancy provided by a swimming buoy when needed can be crucial and quickly defuse a critical situation. Restube is the extremely compact version, because the buoy itself is packed in a pouch and inflated only when necessary via CO2 cartridge. Until then you can carry the buoy in the pouch on a strap around your waist or directly on your equipment. At the same time, you can enjoy complete freedom of movement and extreme freedom, knowing that additional buoyancy is just a pull of the trigger away. Restube can also be inflated at any time using the mouth valve and used as a swimming buoy that you pull behind you in the water, providing you with permanent visibility. It has almost no resistance in the water and you can dive with it even through waves. It’s perfect for open water swimming such as in triathlons.

What is a safety buoy for?

Using a safety buoy during water activities increases the safety of the wearer and also of other people in the water. The buoy provides you with additional buoyancy when it is needed. If you carry a safety buoy yourself, you can also hand it to someone near you who may be in distress. This will prevent you from putting yourself in danger trying to help someone. You can also use a safety buoy to attract attention by waving it.

How does a safety buoy work?

A safety buoy provides additional buoyancy and visibility. This can be crucial if you find yourself in a problematic situation in the water. There are several models that differ in the way they are used. Restube is a buoy that you inflate when needed through a pull of the trigger with a screwed-in CO2 cartridge. The swimming buoy by RESTUBE is a swimming buoy that you already inflate on land and pull behind you in the water. This means you’ll maintain increased visibility the whole time. No matter which model you choose, always bring extra buoyancy with you during your activities in the water, because this can instantly defuse an unpleasant situation – for you and also for others, as you can pass the buoy to them.

Where can you buy a safety buoy?

You can find a safety buoy in stores where accessories for water sports are sold and here on restube.com. We specialize in products that increase your safety in the water. We offer various buoys that differ in specifications and are therefore optimally suited to your area of application. If you are unsure which product is the right one for you, take our quiz and find out in a short amount of time. 

How much does a safety buoy cost?

At RESTUBE, we offer a variety of buoys that differ in their specifications to best suit the application. Our entry-level model for family and recreation, Restube beach, is already available at 49.95 Euros. Restube active is suitable for athletic use, such as open water swimming and triathlons, and comes with extra features including an integrated whistle. This buoy costs 89.95 Euros. Restube extreme is suitable for harsh conditions. It features very robust material and a split pin closure and costs 99.95 euros.

What materials are used for the manufacture of a safety buoy?

Nature and treating it responsibly are very important to us. That's why we use environmentally friendly processes and materials wherever we can. Our manufacturing is completely PVC free. Only high quality and durable nylon TPU material is used in all RESTUBE models.

What are the benefits of a safety buoy?

The additional buoyancy provided by a safety buoy can provide relaxation and also be crucial for safety in many situations. . Either to you or someone else when you pass on the buoy. With a buoy you will also be seen more easily and can draw additional attention to yourself by waving. The yellow signal color of the Restube buoy is ideal for this purpose. In addition, many models with us are equipped with a whistle. This allows you to emit an audible signal. You can also buy the whistle separately, retrofit your buoy, or just use it as is.