
Natation pour les seniors

Découvrez les nombreux avantages pour la santé et apprenez à vous préparer correctement.

by Johanna | Restube

published on january 18, 2024

Physical activity in the water is not only fun, it also comes with many benefits, especially for older adults. The gentle resistance and support of the water create a unique atmosphere that allows seniors to improve their physical health in many different ways. Let's dive in together and discover the different aspects that make swimming a vital source of well-being.

And - as always at RESTUBE - we'll give you valuable tips to make your time in the water safe and ensure you have a really good experience!

Pourquoi la natation est saine pour le corps et l'esprit

Swimming is an exercise that is extremely easy on the joints! The buoyancy in the water significantly reduces pressure on the joints, making it an ideal exercise for older adults. Even people with joint pain or arthritis can find swimming very enjoyable and it helps to gain more freedom of movement - without any additional strain on bones and joints.

Swimming strengthens muscles and improves posture! Swimming is a holistic exercise that targets a variety of muscle groups in the body. Regular training in the water therefore maintains muscle strength and improves posture. This can significantly reduce the risk of falls and injuries, especially at a more mature age.

Swimming strengthens the heart and blood circulation! The controlled resistance of the water gently challenges the cardiovascular system and thus promotes cardiovascular health. Regular swimming can therefore help to regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and improve general endurance.

Swimming promotes conscious breathing and helps to reduce stress! Breathing evenly while swimming can lead to improved lung function and a better breathing pattern. This conscious breathing in combination with the calming effect of the water can help to reduce stress and thus increase general well-being, which in turn contributes to an improved quality of life.


Special characteristics of open water swimming

Swimming in open water, whether in the sea, a lake or a river, has some unique advantages compared to swimming in a swimming pool.

One thing is clear: swimming in the great outdoors gives you an intense experience of nature. The connection with nature and the fresh air often lead to an improved mental well-being. The sun also ensures that the production of vitamin D in the body is stimulated. Vitamin D is important for bone health, the immune system and the regulation of hormone levels.

And since open water never has the same conditions - think of waves, currents, different temperatures - it promotes the body's ability to adapt and thus strengthens the muscles in a particularly varied way.

La natation à un âge avancé - que ce soit en piscine ou en eau libre - est toujours plus qu'un simple exercice physique, c'est une expérience holistique qui nourrit le corps, l'esprit et l'âme. La pratique régulière de la natation peut donc contribuer à améliorer considérablement la qualité de vie. Tout le monde doit se préparer à l'aventure de la natation et les personnes âgées ont peut-être encore plus besoin de se préparer pour que leurs expériences dans l'eau soient sûres et agréables. C'est pourquoi nous examinons ci-dessous les aspects les plus importants de la sécurité de la natation.

You don't feel confident enough to swim in open water? You're not alone! We have addressed the widespread problem of fear of swimming in nature and summarized our tips in the blog post "Comment surmonter votre peur de nager"

How to overcome the fear of swimming

Nager en toute sécurité pour les personnes âgées : la bonne préparation

Before diving into the water, older adults in particular should take a few important steps to ensure that their experience in the water is both enjoyable and risk-free. With the right preparation, potential pitfalls can be easily avoided.

Here are some key factors to consider before you enter the water.

Parlez-en à votre médecin !
Un bilan de santé devrait de toute façon être effectué à intervalles réguliers, surtout si vous vous exposez à de nouvelles contraintes physiques. Il est donc essentiel d'en parler à son médecin et de s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de problème de santé.


Améliorez votre technique de nage !
Une bonne technique de nage est cruciale dans l'eau. Elle vous permet d'utiliser l'énergie de manière efficace. La force et l'endurance pouvant diminuer avec l'âge, il est d'autant plus important d'utiliser au mieux les ressources existantes.

There are now many swimming courses and trainings specifically for older people. The DLRG local groups can provide information for your region.

Utilisation d'aides à la natation en piscine couverte
Les aides à la natation telles que les nouilles, les nouilles de piscine ou les ceintures de natation, également connues sous le nom de ceinture d'aquajogging, peuvent aider les personnes âgées à maintenir une posture correcte dans l'eau et à soutenir les mouvements dans l'eau grâce à la flottabilité.

Are you taking your grandchildren to the water? We've put together some tips and tricks on how to organize a safe and exciting trip to the water with children!

Find out more

Ne jamais se passer d'une flottabilité supplémentaire en eau libre !
Buoyancy means safety in the water. In open water, where there are often no lifeguards or other supervisors present, additional buoyancy, provided by Restube or the Bouée de natation de RESTUBE, is therefore a must for every swimmer. A current, a cramp or dwindling strength can always happen, to anyone. And don't forget! Other people can also find themselves in a critical situation in the water. The additional buoyancy can be passed on and you can provide crucial help without putting yourself in danger.

By the way: Restube not only gives you more freedom and safety! Also, your family and friends can be more relaxed when they know that you have additional buoyancy at hand!

La liberté à tout âge

Walter a 70 ans, sa femme 67. Tous deux se baignent régulièrement dans le lac et se sentent en sécurité grâce à Restube.

Read their full story here
La liberté à tout âge

Swimming at an older age offers a wealth of health benefits and is a safe and gentle way to improve your physical fitness. With the right preparation and a few tricks, spending time in the water can provide wonderful moments and increase your well-being in the long term. So why wait any longer? Get into your swimsuit, strap the Restube around your waist and discover the water!

The temperatures at the moment are not conducive to open water swimming - at least not at first glance. However, ice swimming is actually becoming increasingly popular. Brave swimmers venture into ice-cold waters and strengthen their body and mind in the process. Find out more in our blog post "La natation sur glace : une passion glacée qui conquiert le monde".

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