
Achtung in Fließgewässern:

Mit der Solltrennstelle von RESTUBE Risiken vermeiden

by Johanna | Restube

published on june 10, 2024

What do the Rhine, Danube, Elbe, Main and Weser have in common? They are some of the largest and longest rivers in Germany. However, along with around 900 other rivers in the country, they also have the potential to pose particular hazards. Today we would like to inform you about the special dangers of running waters and show you how you can stay safe by taking appropriate precautions.

Running water is distinguished from standing water. Running water is a collective term for all bodies of water that flow above ground, such as streams (larger rivers that flow into the sea), rivers or brooks.

Zusätzlicher Auftrieb ein Muss im Freiwasser

Für Badende, Schwimmer*innen und Sportler*innen zählt zusätzlicher Auftrieb zu den wichtigsten Vorkehrungen im Freiwasser. Überrascht ein Krampf, eine plötzliche Erschöpfung oder eine Strömung – nicht selten gefolgt von Panik – kann eine Auftriebs-Boje die Situation oft schnell entspannen. Einfach darüber lehnen, der Kopf bleibt über Wasser. Dann kannst du dich ausruhen und neue Kräfte sammeln, dich orientieren oder auf dich aufmerksam machen. Die klassischen Restube-Bojen beach, active, extreme und auch die Schwimmboje by RESTUBE erfüllen genau diesen Zweck.

Solltrennstelle: Restube-Boje blitzschnell von der Sicherungsleine trennen

Demonstration der Solltrennstelle an einer Restube Schwimmboje im See

Hazards often lurk beneath the surface of flowing water. Stones, pilings, tree stumps, remains of walls or rubbish in rivers and streams pose a risk to people. A collision can quickly lead to injury. Getting caught on an underwater obstacle or even being pulled under the surface can also be dangerous. The Restube line, which connects the Restube belt to the Restube buoy, is a potential source of danger when it comes to Restube and buoys.

In such situations it is vital that you can disengage from the buoy and line in a matter of seconds. You can do this by undoing the belt around your waist with a single click. You will then be able to completely disengage from your Restube. If this is not possible, the predetermined breaking point kicks in. It automatically separates the Restube buoy from the line at a pull of 15kg. You can purchase the predetermined breaking point from the RESTUBE Online-Shop and fit it to your Restube or Schwimmboje by RESTUBE damit ausstatten.

Hier we show you how to correctly attach the predetermined breaking point

The predetermined breaking point by RESTUBE was developed in collaboration with the Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung (BFU). The BFU uses the redetermined breaking point in the "Aare Restube", a special version of the Restube active.

Weitere Gefahren in Fließgewässern

As with all bodies of water, you should check beforehand whether it is safe to enter the water for swimming or water sports. In flowing waters, prohibitions often depend on the water level - for example, in fishing waters - so there may be seasonal prohibitions. So check that the water is suitable for your activity at the time you have chosen.

It is also important to remember that a change in water levels can also change your favourite swimming spots. Remember that as the water level rises, the current speeds up.

Wirbel und Walzen

A particular hazard to be aware of in flowing water is whirlpools, which are created when different currents meet. This can happen at the mouth of a river, along the banks and in groyne areas. Rip currents occur when the upper layer of water flows faster than the lower layer. Waterfalls and weirs are particularly dangerous. So be especially careful when you see eddy or rip current conditions.


Another hazard that can often appear "out of nowhere" in flowing water is flotsam. Whole trees, logs or even rubbish can be swept away by rivers and streams. This is particularly dangerous during floods.

Instructions for applying the predetermined breaking point

Gurt wird mit Schlaufe an einer Schwimmboje befestigt




Solltrennstelle an Schwimmboje befestigt, Auslöser mit CO2 Kartusche ist zu sehen


Take the buoy out of the bag and remove the line by pulling the bag through the knot (placed anchor stitch).

Place the two sides of the line loop on top of each other and push them into the slot of the predetermined breaking point. Thread the complete line including the bag to the predetermined breaking point using anchor stitch.

The predetermined breaking point with line and bag can now be connected to the buoy. Important: the wedge between the two prongs of the predetermined breaking point must be pushed into the eyelet on the labeled side (“top”). Then put the buoy back in the bag.

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