New Yorker Ersthelfer setzen auf Restube
New York City Fire and Police Departments use Restube automatic and Restube lifeguard for water rescues

von Johanna | Restube
Veröffentlicht am 02. September 2024
Since 2022, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) has been using RESTUBE's innovative systems for professional water rescue: Restube automatic and Restube lifeguard. In 2023, their colleagues from the New York City Police Department (NYPD) followed and have been using Restube automatic for water rescues ever since.
The NYPD uses drones to monitor and protect swimmers and bathers in the waters off New York City. These have recently been fitted with Restube automatic. If the emergency services spot a person in distress in the water, the Restube automatic can be dropped near the victim within a very short time. The buoy inflates automatically on contact with the water, giving the person helpful buoyancy to keep their head and airway above water.
The New York City Fire Department and the New York City Police Department are amongst the largest municipal agencies in the world with 11,000 firefighters and 36,000 police officers. The special buoyancy aids Restube automatic and Restube lifeguard are also used by many fire brigades, air rescue stations and local groups of Water Rescue Service in Germany. On the island of Sylt, a total of 32 watchtowers have been equipped with Restube lifeguard in order to be optimally prepared for water rescue operations. Other international rescue services such as the Royal Life Saving Society and the Swiss Life Saving Association also rely on Restube.
Restube automatic
The Restube automatic is a compact, lightweight and robust small device that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be thrown to people in distress in the water from a safe distance or used in a drone or helicopter assisted water rescue. The buoy inflates automatically on contact with the water, providing helpful buoyancy (75N) in just a few seconds. This saves valuable time for the casualty in the water until the actual rescue. This makes the system perfect for first aid.
Jetzt kaufen für 99,95€Restube Lifeguard
During a contact rescue, the lifeguard must always carry a buoyancy aid such as the Restube lifeguard. Stowed in a small pouch that can be attached either to the belt provided or to the swimmer's own equipment, it is ready for immediate use. The compact and lightweight design of the buoy does not interfere with swimming or diving to the casualty. The rescuer has both hands free to concentrate on the situation. A pull on the release button inflates the 80cm collapsible Restube buoy (75N buoyancy) in seconds and the pull and safety system automatically slides out of the bag. The activation handle can be used as a whistle and serves as an additional emergency signalling device.
Jetzt kaufen für 139,95€Restube Case Sets: Kompakte und handliche Sets für die Wasserrettung
Die Restube Case Sets beinhalten neben den Rettungsgeräten von RESTUBE auch alle benötigten Ersatz-Komponenten für den mehrmaligen Einsatz. Die handlichen Koffer sind IP67 zertifiziert und 100% wasser- und staubdicht. Dank ihrer kompakten Größe sind sie einfach und platzsparend verstaubar,, beispielsweise in Wachtürmen, Rettungsstationen, Einsatz- und Wasserfahrzeugen (Außenmaße: 26x24x12 cm).
- Restube Case Set 1: 2x Restube automatic und Ersatzkomponenten für 6 zusätzliche Auslösungen
- Restube Case Set 2: 2x Restube lifeguard und Ersatzkomponenten für 12 zusätzliche Auslösungen
- Restube Case Set 3: 1x Restube automatic, 1x Restube lifeguard and replacement components for 4 additional releases
For professional life saving organizations: If you have any questions about the products or are interested in free samples, please click hier entlang. David Kohler, Fachbereichsleiter Professionelle Rettung, steht gerne zur Verfügung!
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