
Innovative solution fills a gap in rescue services:

German Federal Police and ADAC Air Rescue rely on Restube automatic for helicopter-assisted water rescue (HGWR)

by Johanna | Restube

published on September 21, 2024

The flying squadrons of the German Federal Police and the first stations of the non-profit organisation ADAC Luftrettung are currently being equipped with the innovative special version Restube automatic in order to provide immediate and efficient assistance to people injured in water during air rescue missions. The self-inflating Restube buoy fills a gap in professional water rescue.

Restube automatic

Restube automatic is a compact, lightweight and robust small throwing device that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be thrown to casualties and people in distress in the water from a safe distance or used in a drone or helicopter assisted water rescue. The buoy inflates automatically on contact with the water, providing helpful buoyancy (75N) in just a few seconds. This saves valuable time for the casualty in the water until the actual rescue. The system ideal for first aid! All helicopters are equipped with four Restube Automatic in the so-called Case Set 1. The compact set also includes interchangeable components for up to six missions.

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Restube automatic is already used by numerous fire brigades, air rescue centres and local groups of national water rescue services. International rescue teams such as the New York Police Department, the Royal Life Saving Society and the Swiss Life Saving Association also rely on Restube.

Restube Automatic: A versatile rescue system for efficient emergency support

The Restube automatic offers decisive advantages in critical situations:

1. personal rescue:

If a person is found in the water, the Restube can be thrown to them to keep them afloat until the rescue services arrive. The conspicuous buoy is also ideal for marking and improving the visibility of persons in distress.

2. self-rescue:

In the event of an emergency ditching of the helicopter, the occupants can hold on to the buoyancy aid and rescue themselves if necessary.

Before Restube automatic was introduced, the situation for water rescue operations had been much more difficult. When alerted to people in distress in the water, helicopter teams – if they did not have a winch – supported the emergency services on the ground by searching the area from the air and coordinating the rescue teams on the water or, if necessary, jumping in. Despite these efforts, there was often a lack of suitable rescue equipment, particularly in scenarios involving people in the water, ice breakage or emergency helicopter ditching.


Successful testing and implementation

The Restube Automatic is used on the EC 135 helicopters of the German Federal Police, among others, and has undergone extensive testing over the past year. Various approaches from different heights, speeds and positions in the helicopter were simulated. The results were positive throughout: Despite the strong downwash, Restube remained stable in the water and could be precisely aimed at the victims.

Recommendation to other air rescuers

The advantages of the Restube automatic speak for themselves: the system is highly professional and efficient, increases safety enormously, is quickly ready for use, space-saving, lightweight, reusable, easy to operate and maintain. This combination makes it an indispensable tool for air rescue, as now confirmed by the German Federal Police and ADAC Air Rescue. For more information visit

For professional life saving organizations: If you have any questions about the products or are interested in free samples, please click here. David Kohler, Head of Professional Rescue, will be happy to help!

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