RESTUBE for canoeing & kayaking

Paddle away and experience the freedom on the water! Explore the waters with the confidence of being perfectly protected – no matter if it’s for relaxing tours or wild whitewater – RESTUBE is with you on every ride.


lives safed


five star reviews


happy customers

I spent a long time looking for a suitable safety product and then finally found the RESTUBE Safety System. It's brilliant!

Sven Bähr

Something unforeseen can always happen in the water. So it's very reassuring to have a RESTUBE safety buoy with you!

Johanna Werner

White water is a lot of fun, it is just great to feel how much power crashing water has! Of course I always wear a vest, but for even more buoyancy in the worst case I have always have the RESTUBE Safety System with me.

Christoph Vogels Kayaker

I can swim well, but as I'm epileptic, it's important for me to have a solution in case of an emergency. That's why I always have the RESTUBE safety buoy with me in the water!


RESTUBE Safety Buoy

Safety when you need it

Your safety buoy for canoeing & kayaking

Critical situations

When canoeing & kayaking, our safety buoy allows you to act quickly and don't panic. Effective help for you, your family and your friends!

Circulatory problems?

Pull the trigger for buoyancy, stay calm!

Rough water conditions?

Draw attention with the buoy, leave the water.

Lost or broke your equipment?

Lean over the buoy or use it to draw attention to yourself!

Others in need?

Pass on the buoy!

Kajak-Fahrerin in türkis blauen Wasser

An unmatched sense of safety

Experiencing nature from the boat is unique, but it also comes with risks. Want to enjoy your time carefree? We make it possible! With RESTUBE, you have extra buoyancy and peace of mind always with you.

You choose the adventure, we'll go with you

We´ve designed the Safety Buoy so that you can always take it with you while kayaking or canoeing – no matter what kind of tour you’re planning. Stored in the bag, it’s just one pull of the trigger away to help you in unexpected situations.

Restube für Kajak und Kanu, zwei Kajaken paddeln in den Sonnenuntergang

Prepared for any situation

With the RESTUBE Safety Buoy, you can enjoy every moment without worrying about unexpected situations. Compact and lightweight, it quickly provides extra buoyancy in an emergency to keep you afloat.

Restube für Kajak und Kanu, Kanufahrer auf einem großen See, mit Wald und hohen Bergen im Hintergrund

Safety without compromise

You'll experience maximum comfort with the RESTUBE Safety Buoy. It's small, light and packs neatly into your pocket, and is comfortable to wear on your belt. So you can focus solely on paddling!

One buoy, multiple uses

With the RESTUBE Safety Buoy, you’re protected on every adventure. Do you enjoy paddling on the lake in a tandem kayak? Or do you prefer the thrill of wild rivers with strong currents? Our safety buoy is your reliable companion, ensuring you always feel safe.

Be prepared to help others in need

During your kayaking or canoeing session, it can always happen that others get into dangerous emergency situations. With RESTUBE, you can help other kayakers, canoeists, and water sports enthusiasts in critical moments from a safe distance.

Athletes trust RESTUBE

Kimo Kersting | Water sports enthusiast and professional Stand-Up Paddler

"It's incredible to be able to do the water sport you love without having to worry about what happens if I paddle too far or fall in. But also to be able to help other people in tricky situations. You too, wear a RESTUBE safety buoy, always!"

Anna Tschirky | Stand Up Paddle Athlete, Sports & Nature lover

"I love how much freedom the RESTUBE safety system gives me. It's much smaller than a traditional lifejacket and therefore a lot easier to travel with. I feel safe if something happens while I'm out on the water."

Nathalie Pohl | Extreme swimmer & Ocean's Seven finisher

“Despite the escort boat, you swim out there alone. RESTUBE helps me keep my focus while swimming. The super small Safety System has no flow resistance and is weightless in the water. A pull on the trigger inflates the yellow safety buoy in seconds, which gives me an even better feeling.”


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Find out more about our RESTUBE safety system




All RESTUBE products use PVC-free material

2 year warranty

on all products ordered on

1kg plastic

removed from coastal regions per order

30 Days



Buyer protection on your shipment