Aufgeblasen Restube automatic zum helfen anderer im Freiwasser

Professional Rescue


Water rescue is a very important task!

Every second counts when it comes to rescuing a person who has had an accident in the water. For the rescuer himself it is important to have full freedom of movement and free hands to act quickly. This is exactly where Restube supports you perfectly. Because Restube is more than just buoyancy. It is so compactly stowed in the bag that you can always carry it when you are in action and it can be placed in any emergency vehicle. With just one pull on the trigger, Restube offers additional buoyancy when rescuing others, but can also be used for your own safety. More and more professional rescuers are using Restube, because Restube is the most versatile safety system for the water.

It covers four of the five most important measures

against drowning (Drowning Chain of Survival):

1. Prevention by wearing a float
2. Creating awareness with the long buoy in signal color and the whistle
3. Helping others by passing the buoy on
4. Lets you get out of the water quickly, because even with a triggered Restube buoy that you pull behind you, you are not slowed down.

Restube makes it possible to react even faster in professional use and enables full concentration on the action.

Our Recommendation for
Professional Rescue
Restube lifeguard verpackt in roter Tasche
Restube lifeguard aufgeblasen
Restube lifeguard für Rettungsschwimmer
Eine Rettungsschwimmerin mit Fernglas, ein Rettungsschwimmer beide mit einer Restube lifeguard am Meeresstrand.
Professional Use


Regular price139,95 €
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For professional water rescue

For trained lifeguards. It is very compact and robust, just carry it stowed in its pocket with its hip belt or directly attached to your harness. Now you can carry instant buoyancy easily and focus more on the situation. Both hands are free, you can swim very fast, dive through waves or very deep.

Recommended Water Activities:

Lifeguard | Firebrigade | Police | Civil protection

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Restube automatic eingepackt und einsatzbereit
Aufgeblasene Restube automatic mit Icons Inflates with water contact, Light enough to be thrown far distance und Carriable by drones
Restube automatic von der Seite senkrecht stehend, Auslöser ist gut zu sehen
Rettungsschwimmer wirft vom Felsen am Wasser aus Hilfesuchenden eine Restube automatic zu
Restube case set, vom Felsen aus wird die Flugbahn einer Restube automatic zum Schwimmer im Meer dargestellt
Restube automatic wird an Drohne zum ablassen befestigt
Schwimmer hilft anderem mit einer Restube Schwimmboje
Professional Use


Regular price99,95 €
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For first responders & drones

It is that compact, lightweight and robust and can be placed always ready at hand. If on a motorbike, a car, on board, attached to a drone or worn. To provide first help it can be thrown to another person.

Recommended Water Activities:

Firebrigade | Police | Civil protection | Lifeguard | On board (external emergency rescue)

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"When a person is to be rescued in the water, fear and panic play a major role. With Restube automatic we have the opportunity to relax the situation within a very short time and to give the person a feeling of security."

Clemens Kopplin
Chief of Fire at the fire station Putbus on Rügen

"Restube is simply brilliant for lifeguards. It’s so small that I can always carry it with me. If I have to rescue someone, I can jump straight into the water, have my hands free and have enough buoyancy to secure the person."

Clemens Menge

Frequently asked questions

When you need a boost for yourself or others, pull the trigger. The sealed CO2 cartridge is pierced and fills the buoy in seconds. If you lean over the Restube buoy, it will lift your head out of the water. You can also wave the buoy to attract attention.

Yes, by replacing the CO2 cartridge, Restube is immediately ready for use again.

If you lean over the buoy, Restube lifts your airways – in other words, your head up to your mouth opening – out of the water. The part from the head to the mouth is about the same weight for most people. That means it is independent of the height or weight of the user. For more comfort through more buoyancy, Restube active or extreme is recommended.

The idea of Restube came to founder Christopher Fuhrhop after a difficult situation in the water. From the University of Karlsruhe (KIT) he developed the idea up to the prototype and piece by piece his own production was set up in cooperation with experienced production partners in Karlsruhe. Function and the highest quality are priority factors without losing sight of sustainability.

DLRG Lifeguards Konstanz, Rettungsschwimmer mit Restube-Bojen-Gürtel vor Ihren Fahrzeugen.

More freedom & safety in water

for professional rescue

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